Wednesday, 26 September 2018


We are learning about the plastic in the ocean so we made a collage based on the plastic that people have thrown away into the ocean. Our collage had to include a beach, some land, sea and sky.

We had to get a magazine and rip out the colours that we needed for a beach, land, sea and sky but before that we had to draw an outline of the land, sea, sky and beach.Then once we had got the colours we needed we could start gluing the colours in the right place on the card. Once we had finished we had to start to make some sea animals that looked real because if we made them look fake, people might think that we were just making it for fun but we were not! We were trying to tell people what is going in the world and what the problem is. After we had drawn the sea animals we were allowed  to stick the animals on our background that we made from magazine. After we had stuck the animals on we had to stick pieces of plastic on.

We had found finding the colours for our background  and drawing the animals hard because we had to find the real animals because we weren’t allowed to draw animals that weren’t realistic. We found finding the colours for our background hard because there was not much of the colours that we needed.
If we did it again we would try to give it more impact and make our animals more 3 dimensional.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

In my maths group we have been learning about mixed numbers and improper fractions and if you don't know what they are I will be telling you what they are in my DLO. We had to show other people what improper fractions and mixed numbers are. I put some examples of improper fractions and mixed numbers. on my DLO We had to write a little sentence about what they are. Here is my DLO that I made.

View From Room Five

In my class we had to write about what we can see out from one of our windows. The window that I chose was the one on my left. We had to write an introduction about what we are going to be writing about, then we had to write paragraphs for each object that we saw. Our success criteria was to use present tense, use show don't tell, use adverbs of place, short introduction and conclusion, variety of precise vivid adjectives, verbs and nouns, use a variety of conjunctions to link ideas and organise writing into paragraphs. Here is my writing about what I saw from the window that I chose.

The View from Room 5 
Outside room five windows there are lots of wonderful sites to gaze at. I don’t think a lot of other schools have such wonderful views like Awahono School has, everywhere you look you see interesting.

Just outside my window there is a dark brown sandbox that has dry light brown sand in it. The sand is covered by a red piece of cloth and it is there because they are keeping the sand all dry. The cloth is holded there by shiny tall poles that are in the shape of a cylinder. The sandbox is surrounded by lots of  short green grass.

There are sheep that have fluffy coats that are as white as milk. They also have lots of green grass to eat and they are in the second paddock next to Mrs Elam's house. 

Far away is Mrs Elam’s house which has a light green roof also a whitey yellow coloured bottom.Also Mrs Elam’s house is covered by lots of skinny trees with very light pink leaves on them. Her house is at the back end of the school field that has small little bits of green grass.

From my window I can see some fat, grey and rocky mountains that is at the end of the field and they are mostly covered by clouds that are bumpy and as white as milk. In the distance all rocky grey mountains look like it is on a lean because it doesn’t look like it is very straight compared to top of the smaller mountains.

Plastic Bin Liners

In room five we were learning to write to persuade. We decided to write to our principal  about how many plastic bin liners we use a year and we tried to persuade her to ban plastic bin liners in our school. Our class had written a letter to the principal to persuade her to ban the plastic bin liners. We had to have an introduction then our three reasons why we should ban the plastic bin liners. My three good reasons were we only put dry food in them, we use 2000 a year also it will save money not to buy the bin liners  so then we can buy other things that we really need. My last reason why we should not use bin liners because it causes pollution when we throw them away. We also had to write a conclusion at the end of our letter. Our success criteria were to write out ideas in paragraphs, to write an introduction, a conclusion, to start each paragraph with a topic sentence and to use words like in my opinion, I believe and I firmly believe. In our writing we had to start the paragraph with firstly, secondly and lastly or thirdly.

10th September 2018

Dear Mrs Wallace,

In 2005 Collingwood was the first town to ban plastic bags. So why don’t we? I firmly believe that Awahono School should not have plastic bags for bin liners. If you don’t agree with me read my three good reasons why we should not use plastic bags as bin liners.

Firstly, we only use the bins in the class for dry things. Like paper, chip wrappers and glad wrap.The bins are made of metal so they don’t need bin liners to put dry food in. If what we put in the bins were wet food, it will go everywhere, but because it is dry, we do not need the bags. I believe that we should not use them for the dry food. 

Secondly, we use two thousand bin liners a year. In this school we have been using use two thousand bin liners a year because we use ten a day, fifty a week and five hundred a term. If we don’t use the bin liners for dry food we will be saving money and we can spend them on other things. Like new sports equipment and new kapa haka uniforms. 

Lastly, the plastic bags will pollute after they have been thrown away. At the end of the day the cleaners come and take the bin liners then put them into black bags which gets thrown away to the landfill. Then they will pollute and if animals go near there they will be badly harmed or die. Do you want animals to die?  

In my opinion I think that we should not use the bin liners for the dry food because they cause pollution and we are just wasting money on something that we don’t need. We will be saving the animals and we will be definitely making a difference. If we don’t  get rid of them will just be wasting the money on buying them so we will not be able to  buy new things that we will need and we may not need them now but we will need them sooner or later.

Yours sincerely,  


Friday, 14 September 2018

Using a Double Number Line

In my maths group we have been learning to use a double number line to show our working out to a fraction of a set problems. We had to make a DLO about our learning to use a double number line and Mrs Idle gave use three fractions of a set problems that we had to show the answer to using a double number line. I made up seven more of my own fractions of a set problems and you will see the equations in my DLO and the answers. I find it really easy to work out the answers and I think that is is easy to understand what we need to do.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

El Gregoe

On Tuesday the 4 of September a magician called El Gregoe came to Awahono School and he talked to us about how to deal with bullies. El Gregoe showed us a couple of magic tricks with his assistant Ben and then he talked to us about the five things to do if you are being bullied.

Then El Gregoe read us a poem, when he was finished he said to the whole school to respect other people and next he read us a story about a kid who brought his new ball to school but another kid came and took his ball and in the end Ernie got his ball back. El Gregoe said that we should only use  our hands for helping. So El Gregoe put  the word helpful on the ladder that he pulled out of is suitcase along with respect.

Next he did an other magic trick and another thing that El Gregoe did was choose a person which was Ben  to come up the font and he Ben  had to put on a mask and a wig then he sung a song about responsible then Ben got to choose from a balloon or 100 dollars. Once he was done singing  and he had chosen what he wanted ,El Gregoe put responsible on the ladder and he also put caring and trustworthy on the ladder a little bit later. But before he put the word on the ladder Chedza came up and waved a small magic wand to try and make a bird appear but it didn't work and we had to keep giving her bigger and bigger wands to make the bird appear.Then El Gregoe talked to us about one of his birds