Who is Sid? Sid is a black and white cat that comes to our school and visits us. He got his name from a book called Six Dinner Sid and also because we think he has more than one person looking after him.
Sid has a smudge of black on his nose, a big black patch on his back and the rest of him is white. His eyes are dark green and there is a thin black line in his eyes which is his pupil.
Sid likes to jump up on the tables, climb trees and go under the platform in the playground. He also likes to eat his food, he likes to be patted by people under the chin and Sid likes to be cuddled.
Sid comes to your school and begs for food from the teachers. All through the day Sid keeps hanging around his food bowl which is outside the office and Mrs Whitmore makes sure that Sid’s bowl is full with cat biscuits.
I think Sid is a greedy and kind cat that walks around the school.