Tuesday 19 February 2019

Superhero Comic

Today Madaline came in to teach us about how to be cybersmart. She told us to make a comic on our chromebook  and your theme was superheroes. What we had to do was get superhero images that were free and then think of what we should do with your chromebooks and how to look after them. Once we thought of what we should do with your chromebooks we had to write our idea into a speech bubble. 


  1. Hey Hannah
    It's Ella from Room 6 at Awahono School. I think it is a really cool way to present facts about how to care for your Chromebook. It will be a great thing to share with the younger students at our school who have just got their chromebooks; the superheros will make the facts more interesting. The colours are great maybe next time you could try get an image with a transparent background so it doesn't have the white blocking the bold background colours. Other than that you have done a great job with this blog post. You should definitely come and check out my blog I have so very interesting stuff on their! - LINK: http://awahonoellal.blogspot.com/ .... Highlight this copy it and paste it into your search bar! :) :) :)
    From Ella.

  2. Hi Ella. Thank you for that really kind comment and next time I will try to find images with a clear background. I will ask if we can share them with the year fours.

  3. Hi hannah, its hannah here you did a good job whith your poster. keep up the Amazing work.

  4. hello, this is very cool.

  5. Hello Hannah I'm Lucas from Sacred Heart School in Reefton. I like your super hero's. I like your flying fish post but can change your colour.
    what's your favourite comic?


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