Tuesday 13 August 2019

Invention for Willy Wonka

For our writing for these last few weeks we have been thinking what would be our dream food candy or anything like that.  My candy is the Everlasting Joyous Liquorice. We had to make a screencastify to try and sell our product to Willy Wonka. Here is mine. 



  1. Hi Hannah, Amelia here, I like your screencastify about everlasting joyous liquorice, and the way you used descriptive words to describe your invention. Maybe next time you could hold up a picture of your invention to make the video even better. good job from Amelia.

  2. Hi Amelia. That you for your feed back next time I will try and remember to show the picture of my invention. From Hannah

  3. Hi Hannah Iḿ Troy from ahipara school that sounds yummy. I want a piece of liquorice now! that makes me really hungry. I think you are a fantastic advertiser! I think next time you could add a little bit more detail.
    Keep up the good work!


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