Monday, 6 January 2020

Harry Potter

For the first activity for today I had to draw for photograph a picture of my favourite but the cover has to
be designed by me. The book  cover I am recreating is Harry Potter. The author is J.K Rowling, the
illustrator is me and the title is Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets. Here is the photo that should
be on the book.


  1. Hi Molly thank you for the feed back. I will try and fit all the word onto the page. From Hannah

  2. Hi Hannah

    I would like you to have a look at the question and what it has asked you to do.
    Design a book cover for your favourite book. Please include the title, author, illustrator, and use pictures, colour, etc. Please create all of the images yourself (draw or photograph) rather than using images that you find online.

    If you could add the title of your book, the author of your book and the illustrator of your book. you have not included any of these. It would also be good if you could design it yourself and not just use an image from the internet.
    I can't give you full points for this activity as you haven't really done what was asked of your. But you can fix it up and then I will be more than happy to give you the points for it.

    I look forward to seeing your new design! Give it a go Hannah!

    Until then

    Allie :)

    1. Sorry I forgot to add this in my other reply but here it is i am so sorry you hated my post. From Hannah

  3. Hi Allie. Thanks for commenting on my blog I am really sorry I will do it all over again. From Hannah


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