Wednesday 19 December 2018

The Department of Conservation

 One of the activities we had to do today was about animals and Department of Conservation. The Department of Conservation is a company that learns about animals. What I had to do was write something good about the DOC which is short for Department of Conservation and I also had to write  something bad about the DOC. Another thing I had to do was say if I would want to work at the DOC or not.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Hannah,

    You have made a great start to this activity, well done. You have thought about your answers thoroughly and have listed some good pros and cons about being a Department of Conservation (DOC) ranger. Could you please list two more pros and two more cons about working as a DOC ranger? Every job has their pros and cons and I'm sure you could come up with many more explanations :) Please also remember to attribute your photos to make sure you earn the points that you've been working hard for. Here is a link to give you more information and guide you:

    I'm happy to hear that you would like to work at the Department of Conservation. We need more helpful, motivated and supportive individuals like yourself to make our country and the world a better place for us and the animals!

    Keep up the hard work,
    Evelyn :)


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