Tuesday 7 January 2020


For the last activity for today we had to watch a video about the BTS group and then decide if we like then or not. I personally do not like the BTS group because they to me don't sound good and  I just don't like them.


  1. Good morning Hannah!

    I hope you enjoyed the video! BTS have done amazing work for themselves. They have achieved so many ‘firsts!’ They are the first Korean group to sell out a U.S stadium! That is very impressive.

    Thank you for sharing your opinion. Even though they are so popular, there are still quite a lot of people who don’t personally like their style of music but respect how talented they are.

    Are there any bands you prefer? I don’t know many bands but I’d be interested in hearing what some of your favourites are!

    Nice work on this one!

    Matilda :)

  2. Hi Matilda. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I don't have a favourite band and was there anything to work on? From Hannah


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