Monday 30 December 2019


The first activity for today is that we had to screenshot three of our favourite learning websites, then create a poster. Here is mine.



  1. Hi Hannah,

    Nice work on your poster of 3 learning websites. I really like how you have given a detailed explanation for using each one. Which one is your favourite? sounds like a very helpful website. Do you know that in the English language we have over 1 million words? How crazy is that? But apparently the average person only knows around 20,000 to 40,000 words. That still feels like quite a lot though.

    These websites all sound great! Do you enjoy learning about maths and science?

    Another great blog post, thank you for sharing Hannah :)


  2. Hi Beren. Thanks for commenting. My Favourite website is Reading Plus because I have learnt to read at a higher level then I ever thought I could and I do like maths and science but I like maths better. From Hannah


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